Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Support Your Local Farmers Market Wednesday

My daughter @ and I went to a local farmers market today. She has been looking for grass fed beef at a reasonable price for quite some time and finally found it at the farmers market.
We left early this morning to make sure we got there before the beef was sold out. It sold out pretty fast last week. We paid $6.50 for a lb. of grass fed beef.
That was beef that was not finished on grain like most people do with their cows. So you can say that my daughter was one happy lady.
I decided to try some myself. I also got 2 tomatoes.
While walking away, my daughter talked about how she likes the idea of supporting the local farmer. I like the idea too!
So we have decided to go (LORD willin') every Wednesday to our local farmers market to get what we need.
Now, I have a HUGE garden and do not need to go the way she does. But there are things at the market that they have at times (like the beef) that I would like to continue getting.
(Besides- I can't think of a better way to spend time with my married daughter!)
How blessed I am!
Matthew 6:33


  1. Our farmers market will be opening on the 16th. We are looking forward to checking it out. I wanted to tell you the strawberry rhubarb jam tastes like strawberry jam with a little tart kick added in. It is very good. God bless.

  2. The jam sounds interesting! Thanks for stopping by!

    Matthew 6:33
