Saturday, October 27, 2012

Eggs and Autumn Activities

Yes, its autumn and not spring. Yet here I am dyeing eggs. Why? Well we had a Fall Fest at church last night and  Angel needed some colored eggs for a game. Now this is NOT the time of year one can find egg dye. So Angel went online and found a home made concoction that worked beautifully. Only the red eggs looked more orange but the blue were so beautiful.
Did you notice the azalea in the glass? I picked that off the bush in the front yard the same morning. Still not sure why it was there. It was a one of a kind so I picked it to enjoy and it just happened to go with the egg coloring. Strange I know, since we only see azaleas blooming in the spring.
Now this is what it is really like outside. So absolutely beautiful. We had a lot of leaves fall off through the night due to some bad wet weather. It just made the scenery that much more beautiful.
Angel was in charge of the face painting at the church fall fest last night. Richard even got his face painted. A southern flag of all things ;- )
Father and son. I love them all so much and am so blessed!
Grace was Queen Esther and Noah went as Shamgar for the fall fest. Who is Shamgar you ask? HE was a judge in the book of Judges who slayed 600 rebellious Phillistines with an ox goad. Interesting character ;- )
And last, but not least, Angel and Justin went as Ruth and Boaz. An awesome biblical couple I might add ;- )
Well, I need to get off here and get a roast put into the pot for tonights and tomorrows dinner. We will be having Pot Roast with carrots
Cheese Taters and Broccoli with biscuits and an apple cobbler.
Have a blessed LORD's Day tomorrow!
I Corinthians 5:7


Friday, October 26, 2012

Starting Again

We are at my favorite time of the year once again, beautiful autumn. Cool refreshing autumn. A time to relax after the hard HOT summer. A time to enjoy GOD's beauty.
I went out the other day to get some pansies for my fence line. I was expecting to see the usual yellow and purple. I found beautiful orange pansies instead. I have never seen orange pansies before but immediately fell in love with them. They fit in so lovely with the fall landscape. So I lined the fence with them and are they ever beautiful.
Well, here are some pictures of the farm. We are all still here and doing much better after the HOT summer.
What's a farm without an orange tabby cat? Meet Harold, Carlos or Kitty Kitty (depending on whoever is calling him.) He showed up in August as a kitten and made his way into our hearts.
The new flock we got back in April. They are starting to lay (FINALLY.) Only gettin' 2 eggs a day now but its a start ;- )
Happy Dance! We're gettin' eggs again!
AnnaBelle. We thought we were going to lose her after she calved but praise GOD she came through and is doing just fine now. Getting about 3 gallons a day from her.
AnnaBelle's calf, Juliet. She'll be 5 months on the 1st of November. Sweet and sassy!
Last but not least, PIG aka sausage, bacon bbq & porkchops. YUMMY! Due to go to the processor very soon ;- )
Well, that's just a small update for now. There's so much more to share. GOD is so good and ever to be praised!
I Corinthians 5 :7