Before making butter you have to skim the cream off several jars of milk. (The above picture shows me using a turkey baster to skim the milk for the butter makin'.)
( 1- 1/2 gallons of fresh cream and 1- 1/2 gallon of skimmed chocolate milk We do not pasteurize our milk)
Since we just *processed* PIG about a month ago, I have had a lot of skimmed milk left. (extra milk went to feed PIG.). Hating to throw it out and not making the time to make mozzarella cheese with it, I decided to turn it into a healthy low-fat drink for the family. I simply made chocolate milk with the skimmed milk. It's better for you than the whole milk version. (Hubby tends to disagree with me on that statement.)
Either way, the extra milk doesn't get thrown out and the family gets to drink as much chocolate milk (raw- of course as they like.)
Have a blessed day in Sweet JESUS!
Matthew 6:33